Facilities Operations, Procurement, and Auxiliary Services

Ground and Athletic Maintenance

The Grounds Department is responsible for 640 acres campus wide. Included in this acreage are the athletic fields, Tappan Square, and 37 parking lots. The department consists of one manager and eight grounds workers.

The Grounds Department has converted two tractors to run on recycled vegetable oil from campus kitchens. These tractors are used to mow athletic fields, lawns and during snow removal.

We have removed exotic invasive plants from various areas on campus and strive to maintain sustainable natural landscapes throughout the campus. This includes incorporating wildflower meadows, broad turf paths and land bridges to enhance the campus esthetics.

Grounds uses Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices to control plant pests and diseases. IPM is an environmentally sensitive approach to plant health management that relies on a combination of common sense practices such as regular monitoring, drainage management, pruning and mowing height.

Snow Removal on Campus

The Grounds Department has the primary responsibility for snow removal, but the Custodial Department staff clears snow from most of the building entrances and Campus Dining Services shovels the dining hall loading docks. Campus Safety coordinates the Snow Emergency Parking Plan that covers 357 parking spaces. Most of the lots are plowed by 7:30 a.m. when faculty and staff begin to arrive. The Campus Snow Removal Policy is reviewed and published annually.